(034) 950 470 737
We have general stores in Almería and Barcelona to manage its stock of goods, cold and dry with the following capabilities:
- Huércal Overa. (Almería)
- Dry Storage: 300 pallets.
- Storage in cold rooms: 200 pallets.
- CIM Vallès. Santa Perpetua Moguda (Barcelona).
- Storage shelf: 500 pallets.
- Storage in cold rooms: 750 pallets.
We endorse our industry experience, our ongoing effort to continuously improve our CLIENTS and have the technical, material and human resources to provide a QUALITY SERVICE.
Autovía A7-E15 Salida 563.
04600 Huércal Overa. Almería
Polígono Industrial CIM VALLES
Nave 12. Parcela 4.
08130 Santa Perpetua de Moguda.
(034) 950 470 737
(034) 950 470 738
Autovía A7-E15 Salida 563 · 04600 Huércal Overa (Almería) - (034) 950 470 737 ·
(034) 950 470 738
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